October 26, 2021

8 Must-Know Types of Marketing Videos

Whether it’s for casual entertainment, educational deep-dives or random perusals, videos are the one medium we instinctively turn to for virtually any type of media consumption. Why’s that so? When we compare it to reading or listening, for instance, the act of watching videos caters to both sight and sound, making it more engaging and proving to be much more enjoyable and memorable.

As such channels embed themselves further and further into our digital interactions, the business world is finding it hard pressed to dismiss its importance in the field of marketing—companies are constantly exploring new ways to present and promote themselves via video and animation hence the evergreen demand of Singapore video production companies. In this article, we list the eight main types of marketing videos, bringing to light their varying functions, characteristics and benefits.

Brand Story

Brand story videos are emotionally-charged narratives that depict your brand’s overarching sentiments and values. In an age of change and progression, your stance on pressing social issues can either push away or draw your consumer in closer. Brands can no longer afford to tread on politically-safe ground, but are rather encouraged to pick a side in the social debate and stand proud. This is especially important if your target audience is of a newer era; the younger generation tend to be harshly critical of overtly elitist campaigns and more supportive of those that are inclusive and authentic. 

One major company that embodies such ideals is Nike. Nike is an expert in promoting video content and has never failed to reiterate its inclusivity of all groups, despite the brand’s inherent association with outstanding victory and  high level athleticism. Picking up on the disgruntlement towards famous athletes and picture perfect models, many Nike marketing campaigns are centred around the underdog—such as the racial minority and heavy-set body types. Nike’s “What are girls made of?” commercial addresses prevalent gender stereotypes that are aggressively rejected by the youth, projecting a progressive and edgier brand image.


When it comes to selling a product or service—especially if it’s not a necessity—the key lies in creating a sentimental and emotional connection with the audience. Attaching poignant feelings and memories to your brand can sway potential customers into staying loyal and picking you over the multitude of equally good alternatives which is an excellent video marketing strategy.          

But how can you go about doing so? A new product remains a generic, commercialised good—until you give it a backstory. Many banks and insurance companies strive to break out of the cold, capitalistic mold that they are inevitably placed into, creating ads that touch on more relatable aspects of our lives. Helping us connect better with larger-than-life, faceless corporations, banks release short narratives that feature everyday life events such as family or work interactions. DBS’ “Play more” commercial shows an elderly group playing mahjong, a traditional game that elicits nostalgia and fondness, causing the viewer to link such tender emotions to DBS itself.


An explainer video tells the viewer more about a brand, what it does, and how. Unlike brand stories, however, the content of these videos are less abstract and more to the point, such as a demonstration of how to use a newly released product. It should still, however, remain in line with your company’s style and vibe, so as to convince your target audience that you are a good fit for them.

Dollar Shave Club executes this perfectly. Flaunting their signature edgy and outrageous script, their video caters directly to the humour of a modern day, young to middle-aged man. Beginning with a snappy overview of their service, the video then follows up with explaining why Dollar Shave is a more viable and cost-friendly option as compared to its competitors. The video ends by reinforcing the product’s benefits and how it is the ideal solution for the problem faced by all men. This is a good example of a well-thought-out video content strategy.


Internet users are met with countless ads every day, so much that tapping the “Skip ad” button has become second nature to all. To capture interest and convince people to keep watching, many businesses have come up with a whole new approach to marketing. Inspired by the success of trending YouTube videos, this new form of ad seeks to emulate the entertaining and engaging factor of Youtubers. 

Durex teamed up with Coffee Meets Bagel to produce a series of clips in which couples participate in modified versions of popular YouTube games. Drawing influence from the Couple Challenge, where couples guess each other’s responses by writing it down on whiteboards, Durex’s ad asks couples to write down their own answers and explain them. This casual format disguises the ad as a much more candid and spontaneous interview, rather than overtly artificial and fabricated.

Event Reel

Similar to a movie trailer, an event video compiles all the major highlights of an event with the purpose of attracting attendees or creating buzz for future events. It is also often a good way to raise awareness or hype up the brand in lieu of an imminent product launch. 

Risk’s 2019 conference is a rollercoaster of thrilling visuals, notable quotes and grandiose sound effects, all geared towards painting the event as a high-level production. It also effectively encapsulates the security company’s cheeky and entertaining brand image, making it seem more attractive than the average corporate video. At the same time, the edits don’t completely give away everything, leaving you with just the right amount if intrigued to sign up or find out more about the event.


A livestream helps a brand to deliver content in a more interactive and approachable manner. Although mostly associated with online personalities such as YouTubers or Twitch streamers, many big companies also stream their product launches or major announcements. A livestream can also be used to review or discuss certain aspects of a business. Unlike a regular marketing video, livestreams provide real-time engagement, allowing your audience to feel a sense of connection with the other supporters of your who are tuning in at the same time; many streams have a chat function that enables viewers to send in questions during Q&A sessions or simply interact with one another. 

Kia’s 2021 livestreamed brand showcase offers a more personalised experience, creating the impression that we are being addressed directly by the presenters. The fact that it is live also lends the video a sense of authenticity.

Expert Interviews

These are videos that feature experts from fields that are relevant to the company’s product. The content may include clips of expert testimonials or invite those experts to try out their product. Consumers expect a brand to upsell its own goods and will hence not put much weight to a commercial simply listing the good qualities of the product. Adding a professional opinion and endorsement to your brand is a powerful tool of conviction; people tend to rely on trustworthy, skilled professionals to guide them along purchases that they may not be entirely informed about. What’s more, some of these experts may be significant personalities themselves, enabling sponsoring companies to tap into their fanbase and broaden their target audience.

Apple’s 2021 October event introduced the new Macbook Pro, which was distinguished by its industry-leading display and audio systems. To complement the Apple employees’ explanation of the new drop, Apple invited top figures from media and video editing industries to elaborate on the features, thus granting the script more credibility.


Similar to interview-type videos, testimonial videos showcase a positive review from a business’ current or past clients. You may have come across various tuition centres or investment companies adopting this style of marketing. Getting satisfied customers to record their success story shows proof that your brand can be relied on to produce excellent results and is highly rated.

A typical testimonial format can be seen in Smile Direct Club’s marketing campaigns. In the “Michaella” story, the customer first talks about their initial worries about a seemingly serious problem, and then proceeds to express their gratitude and relief after solving said problem with Smile Direct Club’s clear aligner. 

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